Bell Schedule

School Hours and Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

8:15 Bell (Beginning of School Day)

Morning Recess:

10:00 - 10:15 - Pre-K - 3rd

10:15 - 10:30 - 4th 7th


11:50-12:30 - K-3rd 

12:15-12:50 - 4th-7th

Afternoon Recess:

2:00-2:15 - K-3rd 

2:15-2:30 - 4th-7th 

4:00 Bus Bell (End of School Day)

Students are considered ½ day absent if they are not checked into the office by 10:00 A.M otherwise they are only considered tardy. Students are considered absent if they check out of school before 2:30 P.M. otherwise they are counted with a full day; anytime after two they can check out and it will not mark against their attendance. Thank you!

Horario de la Campana

8:15 Comienzo del Dia Escolar

Recreo de la Mañana:

10:00 - 10:15 - Preescolar-3o

10:15 - 10:30 - 4to-7o


11:50-12:30 - K-3o 

12:15-12:50 - 4to-7o

Recreo de la Tarde:

2:00-2:15 - K-3o 

2:15-2:30 - 4to-7o 

4:00 Campana para el Autobús (Fin del Dia Escolar)

Los estudiantes son considerados ½ día ausentes si no se registran en la oficina para las 10:00 A.M. de lo contrario sólo se consideran tarde. Los estudiantes son considerados ausentes si se salen de la escuela antes de las 2:30 P.M. de lo contrario, se cuenta como un día completo; después de las dos y media se puede salir y no se marca contra su asistencia. ¡Gracias!